My Little Perspective

“living an extraordinary life as an ordinary girl”

After researching countless sites about how to write the perfect post, I stumbled across one that emphasized the importance of planning. Unfortunately, planning does not appear in my vocabulary, so you are receiving the most unplanned, completely impromptu blog post that is written, usually quoted from soppy romantic love films that always feature Colin Firth or the terribly handsome Hugh Grant, “from the heart”.

My soon-to-be twenty years of life experience is what I would like to  share on this blog. From the new adventures that 2016 holds; countless new memories; and finding gems in the city, to learning how to be a grown up; becoming sophisticated and working at a long, long, long-distant relationship, this blog is all about sharing the experience of living from my little, insignificant and minute perspective. Join the adventure by becoming involved in what I call, “living an extraordinary life as an ordinary girl”.

There’s more to come…..




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